
The HLSCC Robert Mathavious Institute for Financial Services (HLSCC RMI), in partnership with BVI Finance, on July 22nd announced the successful completion of the third cohort of the 2024 FinTech Programme, a pivotal initiative aimed at fostering innovation and expertise within the financial technology sector. The programme is directed and taught by Professor Keith Carter of KDA Capabilities.

This year’s program saw 12 professionals from various sectors and neighboring St. Kitts and Nevis, successfully presenting their innovative capstone projects.

The students of the 2024 Fintech Programme are:
1.    Denice Cline
2.    Kayla Creque
3.    Adenike Sicard-Flax 
4.    Cecelia Harewood-Hanley
5.    Shemida Jardine
6.    Coy Levons
7.    Jeremy Liburd
8.    Cherese Martin
9.    Tevin Phillip
10.    Marika Potter
11.    Kayana Walters
12.    Gail Young

The capstone presentations showcased three innovative projects that underscore the program's emphasis on practical, cutting-edge solutions. The CFC Remittance App, sponsored by the FinTech faculty, demonstrated a revolutionary approach to facilitating cross-border financial transactions, promising to streamline remittances with enhanced security and user-friendly interfaces. Meanwhile, the Ed-tech Enrollment Automation project, backed by H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC), presented a sophisticated system designed to automate and optimize student enrollment processes, thereby reducing administrative burdens and improving the student experience. Additionally, the Website Rebranding and Bot Automation initiative, also sponsored by HLSCC, highlighted the transformation of digital engagement through an upgraded web presence combined with automated customer service bots, ensuring efficient and responsive interactions with users.

Honorable Lorna Smith, OBE, Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade, also witnessed the capstone presentations. She is an alumna from the first cohort of the FinTech Programme. Reflecting on her own journey, Minister Smith emphasized the rigorous and rewarding nature of the program. “As one of the first graduates from this very important program, I can attest to its challenging yet highly rewarding nature. Those who persevered through it, like myself, would undoubtedly echo this sentiment,” said Minister Smith.

Highlighting the international exposure and inspiration drawn from the recent BVI-Asia Trade Mission, Minister Smith shared insights from her travels to China and Singapore. “I have come back from China and Singapore within the last month or so, and the advancements there truly inspire us to elevate our standards. In Singapore, for instance, technology has revolutionized operations, with ports being run by robots,” she noted. Minister Smith also expressed the critical need to establish a local FinTech Association to foster collaboration and growth within the sector.

Commenting on this year’s cohort, the Deputy Premier said “It warms my heart to see such a variety of participants. This diversity strengthens our collective expertise and drives innovation forward.” 

Chidi Liburd, Director of the Robert Mathavious Institute for Financial Services, addressed the audience, highlighting the dedication and innovation of the graduates. "Tonight, we celebrate the passion, resilience, and creativity of our FinTech students. Their capstone presentations showcase innovative solutions and fresh perspectives that promise to inspire and positively impact the Caribbean financial services sector and beyond," said Liburd. She also acknowledged the invaluable contributions of the program's educators: "I extend my deepest gratitude to our esteemed FinTech lecturers and teaching assistants. Their dedication and guidance have been instrumental in shaping the future of the BVI and Caribbean FinTech ecosystems, nurturing the next generation of leaders with a commitment to academic excellence."

The event was the attended by several FinTech industry experts, including Professor Alex Siow of the National University of Singapore, Dr. Guo Lei of KDA Capabilities, Sreeram Iyer of ANZ Bank, Donald Farmer of Tree Hive Strategy USA, Elise Donovan of BVI Finance and Takuya Sugiyama SBI/Ripple Japan. 

The 2024 FinTech Programme was enriched by the return of students from the past two cohorts, who dedicated their time and expertise to support the current participants. Trevaughn Smith, now a Senior Teaching Assistant, along with Pier Parkins, also a Senior Teaching Assistant, provided invaluable guidance and mentorship. Hector Cruz, Ixora Wong and Carrissa Williams, all serving as Teaching Assistants, also contributed to the learning experience. 

RMI Director reminded Cohort 3, that “the FinTech industry is a force of innovation, transformation, and empowerment.” May you continue to disrupt, innovate, and thrive in this ever-evolving field. Good luck to each of you as you embark on your journey."

For more information about HLSCC Robert Mathavious Institute for Financial Services and its FinTech Training Program, please contact Chidi Liburd at RMI-INFO@HLSCC.EDU.VG or call: (284) 852–7081 or (284) 540-5991.